The Orchid Thief: a true story of Beauty and Obsession by Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean begins a journalistic investigation of an orchid thief, John Laroche. She ends up learning and reporting about a subculture passionate about orchids, one of the most diverse plants in existence.

I was enlightened about the habit-forming, addictive nature of orchid collecting. Orchids are admired, often thought to resemble other creatures, and are used medicinally in some cultures. Some would say that they are seductive and highly evolved specimens. There is great rivalry among orchid hunters, and new varieties are patented and coveted by many. There are also many crimes related to “owning” the discovery or creating a new hybrid.

I didn’t know before I read this book about the extent of organized crime related to plant poaching. I was also intrigued by the smuggling cases and claims of Native Americans, especially the Seminoles, about these precious flowers.

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